
太腻歪了七秒亲一口!庄洁撒娇带回家,丈母娘紧张强行尬聊 |《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP17 (ENG SUB)

Chen Maidong and Zhuang Jie want to spend every second together▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


庄妈吃瓜车站激吻事件,吃到自己闺女头上了!|《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP09 (ENG SUB)

Protect each other no matter what▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


陈麦冬庄洁“打唇架”,战况激烈嘴巴都挂彩了!|《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP11 (ENG SUB)

Passionate kisses against the wall▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


甜哭!白天街头甜蜜接吻,晚上毫无节制 |《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP19 (ENG SUB)

Can't help but kiss you▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


清醒又治愈!庄洁喊话陈麦冬:人生苦短尽管去爱!|《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP12 (ENG SUB)

Not hiding your love in public▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


庄洁被爱疗愈,身心彻底接纳陈麦冬 |《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》精彩片段 EP17 (ENG SUB)

Chen Maidong and Zhuang Jie want to spend every second together▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/Q5ZLp 该剧以松弛治愈的市井烟火为基调,展现温暖有爱的群像人物故事,聚焦成年人之间极致拉扯、双向救赎的爱情。陈麦冬年少时性格桀骜,遭遇生活变故后选择成为一名遗体整容师。庄洁因车祸致残,为了追逐更好的自己,孤身在外打拼成为大城市之中的职场精英。一个是性格桀骜但身心孤独的遗体整容师,一个是身体缺陷但勇敢耀眼的医疗销售,在不断拉扯中逐渐互相理解与尊重,以爱治愈彼此的“不完美”。 ▶主演:李现 / 周雨彤 【Synopsis】Chen Maidong, once a rebellious youth, chooses to become a mortician after experiencing a life-changing event. Zhuang Jie, who becomes disabled due to a car accident, strives for a better life and becomes a successful professional in a big city. This drama portrays the journey of them who, despite their contrasting personalities and circumstances, learn to understand and accept one another. Their love heals their hearts, allowing them to embrace and appreciate their "imperfect" selves. 【Starring】Li Xian, Zhou Yutong 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #春色寄情人 #WillLoveInSpring #ChineseDrama


英雄救美!路小路追凶手,为护白蓝摔下楼梯!|《少年巴比伦 Young Babylon》精彩片段 EP04 (ENG SUB)

A hero saves beauty▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes▶https://lihi.cc/vkG7H 讲述了上世纪90年代初,东南沿海小城——福城,一群在时代列车上追赶青春的少年,他们热烈而莽撞,肆意的野蛮生长。在寻找星辰大海中完成“平凡又不平凡”的蜕变,在青春最香甜灿烂的年代,努力迎向属于他们的光辉岁月,收获了成长与爱情。 ▶主演:杨采钰 / 侯明昊 【Synopsis】"Young Babylon" follows a group of vibrant teenagers in the early 1990s in Fukang, a small coastal town in Southeast China. They passionately chase after their youth on the era's train, experiencing uninhibited growth and seeking an extraordinary transformation. In this radiant period of youth, they strive towards a brilliant era of personal growth and love. 【Starring】Yang Caiyu, Neo Hou 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《春色寄情人 Will Love in Spring》:https://bit.ly/3Wk1CIB ♥《谢谢你温暖我 Angels Fall Sometimes》:https://bit.ly/3IBa7a5 ♥《在暴雪时分 Amidst a Snowstorm of Love》:https://bit.ly/3UrrTE0 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》:https://bit.ly/4461i1L ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》:https://bit.ly/3n6XLPY ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: https://bit.ly/3CI8NxK ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: http://bit.ly/3FatVAd ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: http://bit.ly/3ufMvAF ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: https://bit.ly/3xLBJW0 ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: https://bit.ly/3XW1AVd ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: http://bit.ly/3GQuXRz ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: https://bit.ly/3IdDqQT 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞腾讯视频OST精选: https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas #少年巴比伦 #YoungBabylon #ChineseDrama