
教書匠阿倫 發佈 2020-03-04T02:41:27+00:00

同學回答:Iagree that it is important to learn a second language because it can help me to make friends with foreigners and know about exotic cul



根據以上圖片展示的托福評分標準,足以見口語表達邏輯性的重要。托福獨立口語和綜合口語,有各自的評分標準,不過也有相似處,比如general description,delivery, language use, topic development,這對話題的有效拓展,句子表達之間的流暢連接以及表達流利度和有效性均有要求,這些要求實質上就是對於同學在口語邏輯能力的考察。





Some people believe it is important to learn a second language while others don』t believe it is necessary. Which one do you agree with and why?


I agree that it is important to learn a second language because it can help me to make friends with foreigners and know about exotic culture.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets.


I think children can keep pets.

Having pets is good for children’s mental and physical development. Take a pet dog as an example.As a pet owner, a child should take responsibility for the dog, including walking him and taking him out every day. This could encourage the child to go outside more. Kids would therefore spend less time with electronics and more time doing exercise .

Also a pet can make kids feel loved. Many parents are busy with work and have little time to keep their children company. A pet can be an excellent alternative. While playing with pets, children will feel less lonely and more emotionally secure. This sense of security will help them build healthy relationships in the future.



The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommend to add in your dormitory?

1. cafe

2. study room

3. game room


I would choose a game room.

Having a game room in the dorm means that students have a proper place to relax. When they are under pressure, they could just play table tennis in the game room with friends instead of relieving stress in a negative way, such as drinking or partying all night that disturbs other students.

Another reason is that adding a game room to the dorm shows that the university actually cares for students. Instead of pushing the students to study everyday and everywhere, the university should act to let students know that it's ok to have some fun and relax under their daily academic pressure.

很多同學喜歡抓住一個理由無限展開,這個回答就很好地做到了平衡,每個理由都解釋學生為何需要一個game room,並適當使用了對比論證和因果論證的方法,進一步增強了回答的邏輯性。


If a foreign friend of yours is visiting your city, which part of town would you recommend him or her to see? And why?


If a foreign friend is visiting my city, I would recommend him or her to visit the YU Garden because of the following reasons.

First, there are many charming buildings. Some of them were even designed and built like a 100 years ago.

Second, there are many local restaurants around and my friend can taste different kinds of delicious food.

Last but not least, the place in the center of my town and the transportation to get there is very convenient.

To sum up, If a foreign friend is visiting my city, I would recommend him or her to visit the YU Garden.


1. 這位同學的回答第一句話就是對於原文的重複,這樣回答雖然很安全但是顯得缺乏準備,像是通過這種辦法拖延答題時間。

2. 主體段的三個理由看上去比較充分,但實際上每個理由都解釋得不夠充分,只是簡單的理由的羅列。高分口語回答的重點並不是理由數量的多少,而是在列出理由後,進行細節的拓展和邏輯的分析。

3. 最後的結尾好像讓整個回答都完整了,但是卻也是對主題句的重複,沒有什麼實際的意義。好的回答通常都是把時間花在真正有意義的部分,就算是總結也要學會使用句式多樣的表達。

4. 像First/second/last not not least/to sum up的邏輯連結詞貌似會讓回答很有邏輯性,但是會讓回答顯得機械化和呆板,考官會誤認為同學是提前準備的模版,最好是用自然的過度,平常積累相關詞彙和表達。

一下詞彙和表達是我在教學過程中總結出能夠在托福口語中高頻使用的語言點,積累這些表達的時候切忌死記硬背,儘量從邏輯功能性的角度去理解,並在口語練習中刻意去使用,時間久了logical flow會越來越好。

1. Addition(遞進)

moreover, what is more, furthermore, let alone, additionally, not to mention (this), besides (this) , in addition (to this)

2. Reference(引用)

considering (this), regarding (this), as for (this), concerning (this), on the subject of (this)

3. Example (舉例)

such as, particularly, especially, for example, like, in particular, for one thing, notably

4. Similarity(相似)

similarly, in the same way, equally, likewise, as well as

5. Clarification(澄清)

that is (to say), I mean, (to) put (it) another way, in other words, namely, specifically

6. Conflict(轉折)

but, while, on the other hand, however, whereas, in contrast, conversely, still, instead

7. Emphasis(強調)

even more, above all, indeed, more importantly, besides

8. Concession(讓步)

but even so, even though, though, although, despite (this), in spite of (this),regardless (of this)

9. Cause/Reason(原因)

since, as, in that, for the (simple) reason that, because (of the fact), seeing that, owing to (the fact),due to (the fact that)

10. Effect/Result(影響或結果)

consequently, hence, thus, because (of this), as a result (of this), for this reason, so that, accordingly, as a consequence, so, therefore

11. Condition(條件)

if, provided that, in the event that (萬一), as/so long as, unless, given that, providing that, even if, on (the) condition (that)

12. Conclusion(總結)

lastly, finally, to conclude (with), as a final point, in the end



