
室內設計 發佈 2020-05-07T10:29:29+00:00

▼總平分析圖 On top of Thammasat University’s landmark building 受東南亞山區的傳統農業實踐的獨創性啟發,在TURF的景觀設計中設計師將水稻梯田的土方工程與現代綠色屋頂技術相結合。

▼總平分析圖 On top of Thammasat University’s landmark building


Inspired by the ingenuity of traditional agricultural practices on mountainous terrains across Southeast Asia, TURF’s landscape architect integrated the earthwork of rice terraces with modern green roof technology. The 236,806 sq. ft. cascading rooftop can slow down runoff up to 20 times more efficiently than a conventional concrete rooftop.

▼受傳統梯田的啟發 Inspired by Traditional Rice Terraces


© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS


As rainwater zigzags down the slopes, each level of TURF harvests runoff from the previous cell, forming unique clusters of micro-watersheds along the terrace to helping absorb, filter and purify rainwater while growing food for the campus. By the end of its journey, four retention ponds await on each wing, capable of holding up to 3,095,570 gallons of water once combined. These ponds significantly reduce the volume of stormwater leaving the site while mitigating unexpected flood and drought disasters. They present a solution to storing excessive runoff during intense storms for future use during dry spells.

▼梯田水管理 Managing Water on a Mountain of Rice Terraces


▼層疊屋頂剖面圖 cascading roof section



Reusing restoring water at four retention ponds, the TURF manages on-site water management to minimize water footprint on food production. A solar-powered pump pushes stored water upward for roof irrigation. Furthermore, the cascading layers of rice and vegetable plantations enrich the soil’s nutrition, reducing the amount of soil mass lost during heavy rainfall. This prevents polluted runoff as well as particulate airborne toxins from entering drainage systems and natural water bodies.

▼農場種植的各種作物 From the Urban Roof Farm to Table


© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS


By carving into the mountainous architecture and maximizing the use of the inclined surface, TURF utilizes every level of the terrain to create multi-functional public spaces. Twelve individually designed areas on the slopes serve as oval-shaped outdoor classrooms, while small pockets dispersed along the staircases provide intimate social spaces and access to the crops. TURF rewards those who climb to the top with a 360-degree panoramic view of the Bangkok centered in an urban farm and under the open sky. A large amphitheater provides an accessible and flexible recreational and educational space for all visitors.

▼戶外學習和交流平台 Platforms for Outdoor Learning and Social Interaction

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS

▼戶外教室空間 Outdoor Education amongst the Urban Farm

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS / Dsignsomething

▼戶外劇場 The Open Sky Amphitheater

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS

▼大型劇場 the ground amphitheater

© Dsignsomething / Jinnawat Borihankijanan

隨著一季又一季的作物被種下到收割,證明 TURF 是一個落地性強且可行性大的解決方案,它使現代城市居民重新感受了古代的農業實踐, 這也證實了受當地獨創性啟發的整體方法的可行性。TURF 繼承了泰國文化、景觀和本土農業的歷史(幾代農民從他們生活的土地和水中學到的東西),旨在為將來可持續城市建設提供一種適應和應對氣候變化的經驗參考。

As lush green turns to dry brown, TURF is a realistic, but hopeful solution that puts modern urban dwellers back in tune with ancestral agricultural practices. The landscape architect implemented a holistic approach inspired by local ingenuity. Carried on through several generations of farmers who learned from the land and water they lived with—TURF holds with it the history of Thai culture, landscape and native soil, embedded as lessons to communities and city builders on how to adapt to and embrace climate challenges in building the sustainable cities of the future.

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS

© Panoramic Studio / LANDPROCESS
