
老張的後院 發佈 2020-07-15T06:13:43+00:00

I am also immensely grateful to Harvard University President Larry Bacow 』72 for his leadership, and to all the colleges and universities who signed court briefs in support of our suit.




哈佛大學(Harvard university)、麻省理工和美國政府就上網課的國際學生的簽證糾紛達成了協議,結束了一場緊張的對峙。最終ICE宣布撤回針對全網課留學生的遣返規定!


7月6日,本來就對疫情之下秋季學期憂心忡忡的國際學生遭遇了更荒唐的兩難局面:美國移民及海關執法局(U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,簡稱ICE)突然宣布,2020秋季開學全部修線上網課的國際學生,人在美國的必須離境,人不在美國的不可以再入境。






他們還認為,這項政策與ICE 3月13日的指令相矛盾,該指令告訴學校,在「緊急狀態期間」,現有的針對遠程教育的限制將被暫停。




據哈佛大學校報The Harvard Crimson與多家記者報導,在哈佛大學和麻省理工學院起訴移民執法局(ICE)的聽證會上,政府已經同意撤回國土安全部(DHS)和聯邦政府在移民和海關執法最終達成了一項協議——推翻了最近ICE規定的國際學生在流感大流行期間不能在美國居住並在網上上課的規定。





我只能衷心的祝賀這次的政策,學校不管是基於錢財、美國國家利益、道德典範 或是理性,始終還是占據了上風,而沒有強硬的直接執行。



To the members of the MIT community,

I am delighted to join you in taking pleasure in the news that the federal government just rescinded the July 6th policy from Immigration and Customs Enforcement that would have prohibited many international students from studying in the United States if – as was likely at many institutions, in response to the pandemic – their classes would be fully online. For our international students, and thus for all of us, this comes as an enormous relief.

Since we joined Harvard in pressing a lawsuit against the original directive last week, I have been inspired by the outpouring of support and action from higher education and other organizations, including dozens of U.S. states. I was especially moved by the involvement of our own students, including those who contributed their personal stories to the legal effort and those who organized a national coalition of students in filing a brief. You show us what it means to be One MIT.

I am also immensely grateful to Harvard University President Larry Bacow 』72 for his leadership, and to all the colleges and universities who signed court briefs in support of our suit.

My great respect and gratitude also go to Vice President and General Counsel Mark DiVincenzo and his Office of General Counsel colleagues Dahlia Fetouh and Anthony Moriello, who worked around the clock to make such a powerful case, and to all the staff who helped our international students handle this long week of painful uncertainty. And my thanks to everyone who reached out to help or spoke up in support of our students.

It’s deeply encouraging that this case has inspired so much reflection about and enthusiastic recognition of the vital role international students play in academic communities across the United States – and absolutely at MIT.

This case also made clear that real lives are at stake in these 「bureaucratic」 matters, with the potential for real harm. We need to approach policy making, especially now, with more humanity, more decency – not less.

When we joined this suit with Harvard, we knew our case was strong, and we are pleased with this outcome. But we also stand ready to protect our students from any further arbitrary policies.

With gratitude and appreciation,

L. Rafael Reif

