
fans news 發佈 2013-05-20T13:46:00+00:00

以下是菲律賓過去13年的海上惡行略記,並附上英譯版,請各位版大協助轉貼國外各大社群網站和熱門討論平台,為台灣發聲,謝謝! 海上射殺臺籍漁民: 菲律賓肆無忌憚地動用武力,已不是第一次 1.2000年

海上射殺臺籍漁民: 菲律賓肆無忌憚地動用武力,已不是第一次
3.同樣2006年, 八艘臺籍漁船遭菲扣押,其中四艘漁船被要求需支付約合新臺幣四百萬的金額,才能獲得釋放。 
4.菲律賓在南海海域攔截和扣押中國漁船事件也時有發生,例如,2012年4月菲律賓派出軍艦襲擾中國漁民、漁船,引發黃岩島事件(the Scarborough Shoal standoff); 
5.2013年5月,菲律賓公務船又悍然槍殺臺灣廣大興28號漁民,這距離黃岩島事件才1年多。 距今約六年前,死者的堂弟也曾在海上遭菲律賓船扣押,家人支付了菲方兩百萬新臺幣才將他贖回。
Fisherman’s Killing on Taiwanese Boat Not the First Time Philippines Wantonly Use Deadly Force 
1.In May 2000, the Philippine Coast Guard pursued and fired on a Chinese fishing vessel in the territorial waters near Palawan Island, killing the boat’s captain.
2.In January 2006, the Taiwanese fishing vessel “Full Spring No. 1” encountered and was fired upon by the Philippine Navy in waters north of Orchid Island and Luzon, resulting in one death (the boat’s captain) and one serious injury.
3.Also In 2006, eight Taiwanese fishing vessels were detained by the Philippines and members on four of the vessels were asked to pay a total of NT$4 million for their release. 
4.The Philippines have also previously intercepted and seized Chinese fishing vessels in the South China Sea, as in April 2012, when the Philippines sent a warship to apprehend twelve Chinese fishing vessels and their crews, leading to the Scarborough Shoal Standoff.
5.In May 2013, scarcely more than a year after the Scarborough Shoal Standoff, a Philippine ship once again brazenly fired on and killed a Taiwanese fisherman aboard the boat Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28. Six years ago, the cousin of the deceased was also taken by a Philippine ship while at sea, and the family had to pay a ransom of NT$2 million to get him back. 