
上海外事商務諮詢中心 發佈 2020-01-09T03:58:17+00:00


Top 10 Social Media Channels in China


Since you live in China and many western social media sites are banned in China, you may want to know which Chinese social network platform can make new friends and keep social in China, right?


1. Sina Weibo


It's a twitter like platform where people can share the latest news, gossip and daily life through text, photos, videos and long articles. The app makes it easy to share this news with friends.


2. Douyin

2. 抖音

Douyin (also known as Tik Tok) is an application that allows users to create short videos with fashionable and special effects, and then share them on the shaking platform.

抖音(也稱為Tik Tok)是一款應用程式,可讓用戶創建帶有時髦特殊效果的短視頻,然後在抖音平台上共享它 。

Various effects allow users to create interesting, original and video images through stickers, thus distorting the appearance, frame, slow motion, music Wait! The app is great for syncing lips to the biggest pop songs and even dancing like a superstar.


For the public, jitter can help you make money. First of all, it's free to put advertisements on all of them. If you have a large number of followers, they will come to you when they see your advertisement. This is a good platform for individuals to build reputations. For example, a model brokerage firm or an enterprise headhunter may find you by shaking your voice. Jitter also provides a zero cost platform for small businesses to promote products. If you have enough attention on the tremble account, advertising on online stores or start-ups is very simple and effective.


3. WeChat


It shouldn't be too surprising, and it doesn't need too much introduction.


Basically, everyone in China uses wechat to communicate with friends. It uses apps such as applets, games, wechat payments, moments, and allows people to buy products and listen to Article subscriptions about the latest news, entertainment, and guidance


4. Momo


You can get to know people nearby through strangers. Strangers can help you extend your social circle beyond your current circle of friends and acquaintances. You can meet people who are interested in strangers anytime and anywhere.


5. Little Red Book


Do you know how Zhang Ziyi got her iconic v-face? If you want to buy facial mask, which product is better?

你知道張子怡(大陸電影演員)如何獲得她標誌性的V形臉嗎? 如果要購買面膜,哪種產品更好?

You can find answers to all these questions in a convenient place - little red book or red. People will share what they buy, food, drinks, travel, basic living, even shopping and coupons tips.

您可以在一個方便的地方找到所有這些問題的答案-小紅書(Little Red Book或RED)。人們將分享他們購買的東西,食物,飲料,旅行,基本生活,甚至購物和優惠券小貼士。

Little Red Book, a Chinese social e-commerce shopping start-up, has received a $300 million investment led by Internet giant Alibaba, with an estimated valuation of $3 billion, Chinese media reported.


6. Douban


Douban is a community site. The site was originally a collection of books and videos that provided information about books, movies, music and other user generated content (UGC).


It also provides audio book recommendation and offline activities, group communication and other service functions. In the integration of innovative network services, it is more like taste system (reading, film, music), expression system (I read, see, hear) and communication system (city, group, friend). Committed to helping urban people find useful things.


7. Zhihu


Like quora in Chinese. Zhihu is an online Q & a community that connects users from all walks of life.Users share knowledge, experience and opinions to provide continuous and diversified information flow for Chinese Internet.




Probe is an interactive social appointment application based on big data intelligent recommendation. Probe calculates the account based on the user's profile, location, interests and hobbies, so as to communicate with the matching objects near you.


9. Dianping


Reviews are China's leading local life information and trading platform. Popular reviews not only provide users with information services such as merchant information, consumer reviews and consumer discounts, but also o2o (online to offline) transaction services such as group buying, restaurant booking, takeout and e-membership card.

點評是中國領先的當地人壽信息和交易平台。大眾點評不僅為用戶提供商戶信息,消費者評論和 消費者 折扣等信息服務,還為團購,餐廳預訂,外賣和電子會員卡等O2O(在線到離線)交易服務。



QQ and wechat are both from Tencent. Tencent QQ supports online chat, video call, point-to-point breakpoint continuous file transfer, file sharing, network hard disk, custom panel, QQ mailbox and other functions. It is also used to connect to various communication terminals.


11. Meituan

11. 美團

Do you use other social media platforms in China to share your favorites below!

