「GRE閱讀解析」Passage 15詳細解析

教英語的狗狗老師 發佈 2020-01-12T07:41:21+00:00

David Belasco’s 1912 Broadway production of The Governors Lady created a sensation with a scene set in a Childs cafeteria, a chain restauran

David Belasco’s 1912 Broadway production of The Governors Lady created a sensation with a scene set in a Childs cafeteria, a chain restaurant that was an innovator in food standardization and emblematic of modern everyday life. While Belasco’s meticulously detailed reproduction of an immediately recognizable setting impressed the public, it was derided by progressive theater critics who championed the New Stagecraft theories of European artists like Max Reinhardt. The New Stagecraft rejected theatrical literalism; it drew inspiration from the subjectivity and minimalism of modern painters, advocating simplified sets designed to express a dramatic texts central ideas. Such critics considered Belasco a craftsman who merely captured surface realities: a true artist eliminated the inessential to create more meaningful, expressive stage images.

1. The author of the passage implies which of the following about Belasco’s production of The Governors Lady?

A. It was dismissed by certain theater critics who misunderstood Belasco’s conception of modernity.

B. It was intended to marshal elements of the New Stagecraft to serve Belasco’s predilection for realistic staging.

C. It demonstrated that theatrical literalism could be used effectively to express a dramatic texts central ideas.

D. It elicited responses that reflected a discrepancy between popular tastes in entertainment and the tastes of progressive theater critics.

E. It relied on the appeal of an impressively realistic stage set to compensate for weaknesses in other aspects of the production.


2. It can be inferred that the theater critics would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the theatrical productions?

A. Theatrical productions that seek to eliminate the inessential also often eliminate theatrical elements that enhance the expressiveness of a play.

B. Theatrical productions that faithfully recreate the visual details of everyday life are unlikely to do justice to a good play’s central ideas.

C. Theatrical productions that employ the minimalism characteristic of modern paintings may have greater appeal to modern audiences than productions that rely on theatrical literalism.

D. Theatrical productions that aim to represent truths about modern life should not attempt to employ elements of the New Stagecraft.

E. Theatrical productions that attempt to produce authentic-looking scenes of everyday reality are likely to fail in that goal because of the theaters inherent limitations.



David Belasco’s 1912 Broadway production of The Governors Lady created a sensation with a scene set in a Childs cafeteria, a chain restaurant that was an innovator in food standardization and emblematic of modern everyday life.


重點表達:created a sensation with a scene。該劇在(觀眾?)間創造了轟動的效果,因為該劇的一個場景設計成了當時一個知名連鎖餐廳的樣子。


While Belasco’s meticulously detailed reproduction of an immediately recognizable setting impressed the public, it was derided by progressive theater critics who championed the New Stagecraft theories of European artists like Max Reinhardt.

第2句:雖然貝拉斯科對立即可(被觀眾)識別的環境進行的細緻的再現給觀眾留下了深刻的印象,但是它卻受到了先進的影院評論家的嘲笑,他們支持Max Reinhardt等歐洲藝術家的新舞台藝術理論。




但是它卻受到了先進的影院評論家的嘲笑,他們支持Max Reinhardt等歐洲藝術家的新舞台藝術理論。——先進的評論家們很看不上這種【在舞台上細緻地塑造現實情境】做法,他們支持逼格更高的歐洲藝術家的新舞台藝術理論。這當然意味著,歐洲藝術家的新舞台藝術理論是反對【在舞台上細緻地塑造現實情境】的。

The New Stagecraft rejected theatrical literalism; it drew inspiration from the subjectivity and minimalism of modern painters, advocating simplified sets designed to express a dramatic texts central ideas.


這句話的dramatic texts central ideas估計中間掉了什麼介詞之類,不完整。大意如上。




Such critics considered Belasco a craftsman who merely captured surface realities: a true artist eliminated the inessential to create more meaningful, expressive stage images.



1. The author of the passage implies which of the following about Belasco’s production of The Governors Lady?


A. It was dismissed by certain theater critics who misunderstood Belasco’s conception of modernity.



B. It was intended to marshal elements of the New Stagecraft to serve Belasco’s predilection for realistic staging.



C. It demonstrated that theatrical literalism could be used effectively to express a dramatic texts central ideas.



D. It elicited responses that reflected a discrepancy between popular tastes in entertainment and the tastes of progressive theater critics.



E. It relied on the appeal of an impressively realistic stage set to compensate for weaknesses in other aspects of the production.



2. It can be inferred that the theater critics would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the theatrical productions?


A. Theatrical productions that seek to eliminate the inessential also often eliminate theatrical elements that enhance the expressiveness of a play.



B. Theatrical productions that faithfully recreate the visual details of everyday life are unlikely to do justice to a good play’s central ideas.


注意do justice to的意思。它有公平對待;使…的價值充分發揮;適當處理的意思。這裡顯然不是取【公平對待】的意思,而應該取後兩項意思。


C. Theatrical productions that employ the minimalism characteristic of modern paintings may have greater appeal to modern audiences than productions that rely on theatrical literalism.




D. Theatrical productions that aim to represent truths about modern life should not attempt to employ elements of the New Stagecraft.



E. Theatrical productions that attempt to produce authentic-looking scenes of everyday reality are likely to fail in that goal because of the theaters inherent limitations.


