
英語周報 發佈 2020-01-17T12:51:37+00:00

如:Weshall not fail.You shall have it back tomorrow.You shall do as you see me do.In the rules, it says that a player shall be sent off for u





1. 常用情態動詞的用法比較


must, can, should, may, might都可以用於表示「可能性」。

a. must表示以事實為依據而進行的邏輯上的推理,它所指的動作或狀態發生的可能性最大。

b. can和should表示以事實、理由為依據而進行猜測,它們所指的動作有發生的可能性,但語氣沒有must那麼肯定。其中,should的主觀性較強。

c. may和might語氣較弱,表示說話人根據自己的主觀判斷而進行的猜測。其中,might的語氣更弱一些。


can, may, might都可以表示「允諾」,其中might最為客氣、委婉。如:

You can leave now.

May I trouble you with a question?

Might I have another cup of coffee?


must, ought to, should都能用來表示「出於某種職責、義務而應該」的意思。must的語氣最強烈,ought to居中,而should是表達這方面意思的普通詞。如:

We must think of this matter very seriously.

Students ought to study hard.

The police should do something about it.

2. 情態動詞的特殊用法:


We shall not fail.

You shall have it back tomorrow.

You shall do as you see me do.

In the rules, it says that a player shall be sent off for using bad language.


It’s odd you should mention Ben! I was just thinking about him.


Eric must come and worry me with questions, just when I am busy cooking the dinner.

If you must know, I』m going to help Brad look for an apartment.

4)may表示祝願;may as well用來提出建議,意為「還是……的好」;may well用來表示可能性,意為「很可能」。 如:

It is a fine tradition and long may it continue!

All the pubs are closing. We may as well go home.

It may well be true.

3. 「情態動詞+ have done」結構

1)could / might / should / ought to / need have done意為「本來能/可能/應該/需要做……,但實際上未做」。如:

He could have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight.

2)「情態動詞+ have done」還可用來表示推測過去可能發生的事情。如:

Did you say anything that might have upset her?


1. 虛擬語氣在名詞性從句中的用法

1)「It is / was +形容詞 / 過去分詞+ that從句」結構中的主語從句表示命令、願望、建議等時,謂語用「should +動詞原形」,should可省略。如:

It is necessary that a college student (should) master a foreign language.

It is desired that this rule (should) be brought to the attention of the staff.

2)動詞wish後的賓語從句中,表示與現在事實相反時,從句中謂語用過去式;表示與過去事實相反時,從句中謂語用「had +過去分詞」;表示將來很難實現的願望時,從句中謂語用「would / could / might +動詞原形」。如:

How I wish I was there with you!

I wish I hadn』t lost the chance.

I wish he would / could / might go with us to the theatre.

3)在would rather / sooner後的賓語從句中謂語要用虛擬語氣。尚未發生的動作用動詞的過去式,已經發生的動作用「had +過去分詞」。如:

—Do you mind if I smoke here?

—I』d rather you didn』t.

I』d sooner you hadn』t told me about it.

4)表示建議、要求、意圖、命令、推薦等意義的動詞(如suggest, demand, require, request, order, insist, recommend)後的賓語從句中謂語常用「should +動詞原形」,should可省略。如:

The employees have demanded that the manager (should) resign.

I recommend that everyone (should) buy this dictionary.

5)表示建議、要求、意圖、命令、推薦等意義的名詞後的表語從句或同位語從句中,謂語用「should +動詞原形」,should可省略。如:

Our only request is that this (should) be settled as soon as possible.

He made the decision that nothing (should) hold him back.

2. 虛擬語氣在非真實條件句中的用法


If we had consulted him on the question yesterday, we should know what to do now.


I』m really very busy, otherwise / or I would certainly go there with you. (暗含條件是otherwise / or)

This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster. (條件暗含在happening in wartime中)

It would be easier to do it this way. (條件暗含在不定式短語to do it this way中)

We could have done better under more favorable conditions. (條件暗含在介詞短語under more favorable conditions中)

But for the heavy traffic, we would have arrived earlier. (暗含條件是But for the heavy traffic)

3. 虛擬語氣中if的省略

如果條件從句的謂語中有were, had或should等詞時,可將if省略,而把were, had或should等放在句首。如:

If I were to do the work, I should do it some other way.

→Were I to do the work, I should do it some other way.

4. 虛擬語氣在as if / as though引導的從句中的用法

在as if或as though引導的從句中,從句所表示的內容與現在事實不符時,謂語用過去式(be的過去式多用were);與過去事實不符時,謂語用「had +過去分詞」形式。如:

She is walking slowly as if she were tired.

It looked as though they had quarrelled.


You look as though you』ve had a bad time!


I. 選用括號內合適的內容補全下面句子。

1. It’s strange that he ________ (should, might) have taken the books without the owner’s permission.

2. I can』t find my purse. I ________ (could leave, could have left) it in the supermarket yesterday, but I』m not sure.

3. In today’s information age, the loss of data ________ (should, can) cause serious problems for a company.

4. Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ________ (can, should) easily reach the books on the top shelf.

5. My room is a mess, but I ________ (needn』t, mustn』t) clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.

II. 用括號內動詞的正確形式填空(含否定形式)。

1. There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I ________________ (have) a second chance to become more involved.

2. If we ________________ (catch) the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now.

3. They might have found a better hotel if they ________________ (drive) a few more kilometers.

4. If the new safety system ________________ (put) to use, the accident would never have happened.

5. —Do you have Betty’s phone number?

—Yes. Otherwise, I ________________ (be) able to reach her yesterday.

6. ________________ (be) it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.


I. 1. should 2. could have left 3. can 4. can 5. needn』t

II. 1. had 2. had caught 3. had driven 4. had been put

5. wouldn』t / couldn』t / shouldn』t / mightn』t have been 6. Were


I. 選用方框內合適的情態動詞填空(每詞限用一次)。

can, shall, may, should, must

1. Haven』t you seen the sign 「No parking」 here? Cars ________ not be parked here.

2. No reader ________ remove a book from the library without the permission of the librarian.

3. The girl ________ not be Mary — she’s in New York.

4. That the well-dressed young man ________ speak to you like that is quite astonishing.

5. —Is David coming by train?

—He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

II. 用括號內單詞的正確形式填空。

1. Doctors strongly recommend that fathers ________ (be) present at their baby’s birth.

2. If you ________ (follow) my advice to prepare well ahead, you wouldn』t have failed the exam.

3. The city would look more beautiful if people _________ (throw) rubbish on the streets.

4. When I stopped talking, Sam finished my sentence for me as though he ________ (read) my mind.

5. If I could speak Spanish, I ________ (spend) next year studying in Mexico.

6. If you _________ (fail) your last exam, you would have graduated in May.

7. Sam would help the poor if he ________ (be) rich.

8. If I hadn』t lost my cellphone, I ________ (contact) you yesterday.

III. 從a-h中找出與1-6相對應的後半句(有兩項多餘選項)。


1. I said I』d pay for her ticket but she ( )

2. In just a few years from now people ( )

3. I still remember how they ( )

4. Forecasters are warning that heavy snow ( )

5. We live in an old house that ( )

6. Writing my geography assignment ( )


a. could cause dangerous driving conditions.

b. shouldn』t take me too long.

c. will have tasted.

d. wouldn』t accept my offer.

e. would play together so well as children.

f. would be a school.

g. will be able to control their car using an app.

h. used to belong to a politician.

IV. 根據括號內的提示補全下面句子,使句子意思保持不變(每空一詞)。

1. The course is likely to be of interest to those working with pre-school age children. (may find)

→Those working with pre-school age children ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

2. During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. (would sooner)

→During the winter I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ it.

3. Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but I』m sure she has got it wrong. (must)

→Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but she ________ ________ ________ a mistake.

4. Students wishing to enroll on the course are required to complete all sections of the application form. (should)

→Students wishing to enroll on the course ________ ________ ________ ________ of the application form.

5. I wish I had considered the question more carefully before answering it. (should)

→I ________ ________ ________ the question more carefully before answering it.

6. It’s a long walk home, so I advise you not to miss the last train. (had better)

→It’s a long walk home, so ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the last train.

V. 根據括號內的提示用虛擬語氣改寫下面句子。

1. She asked him to fix the computer. (request)

2. Sandra wanted the post office to hold onto her mail. (ask)

3. 「Give me a refund,」 John told the clerk. (demand)

4. 「Discuss the question at the next meeting,」 he advised us. (suggest)

5. 「Take a vacation,」 our boss told us. (insist)

VI. 根據括號內的漢語提示補全下面句子(每空一詞,含縮略形式)。

1. There is another bus later, so we ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (不必上這輛).

2. Neil wouldn』t have had the accident if he ________ ________ ________ (沒有突然剎車).

3. As his leg was injured, John ________ ________ (不能比賽) for the next couple of weeks.

4. Since the teenagers were partying very loudly, they ________ ________ (不能聽見) the doorbell.

5. Your advice that she ________ ________ ________ ________ (等到下周) is reasonable.

6. I should not have made fool of you if I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (早想到你是認真的).

7. If you had spent more time practicing making it before, you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (就能把它做得更好) now.

8. I wish I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (能借給你一些錢) for your rent, but I』m broke.

9. ________ ________ ________ (如果我知道) it would be stressful for you, I would never have encouraged you to go into this field.

10. It is vital that he ________ ________ ________ (被警告) before it is too late.

VII. 選用括號內合適的內容補全下面短文。

Celebrity culture has spread in almost all sectors of society. It is no longer restricted to film stars and singers. However, only a small number of people 1. ________ (can, must) achieve celebrity. For those who do, the rewards 2. ________ (can, need) be huge. Watch any reality TV show and you 3. ________ (ought to, may) find competitors who dream of attaining celebrity. However, any fame they achieve is likely to be fleeting (轉瞬即逝的) and with limited social or economic value.

In many industries, such as arts, celebrity 4. ________ (need, can) have an advantage. Many non-famous people working in the arts are likely to be relatively poorly paid even though they 5. ________ (may, ought to) be as talented as their more famous counterparts. This results in resentment (憎恨) amongst colleagues.

責編 | 楊寧

審稿 | 李棟

校稿 | 呂放




