
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-01-21T15:26:32+00:00

有一天它可能會奴役我們所有人,但現在它只是想給你播放一張與你要求的完全不同的專輯。It’sactually pleasant, when she has taken the time to completely bugger up whatever simple thing I

#大學英語聽力# I cannot believe you monsters do not say "please" and "thank you" to our new robot overlords.


OK. Technically, Amazon’s lady in a tube, Google’s creepy little omni-stalker and Apple’s pocket-lint genie aren』t robots, but one day they』ll get side-loaded into one of those Boston Dynamics cyborg Destroyinator thingies and then you』re gonna be plenty sorry you didn』t show them some manners when it cost you nothing.

好的。從技術上講,亞馬遜的管子裡的女士,谷歌的令人毛骨悚然的全能跟蹤者和蘋果的口袋裡的精靈都不是機器人,但有一天他們會被側裝到波士頓動力公司的機器人Destroyinator Things中,然後你會非常後悔沒有在沒有付出任何代價的情況下向他們展示一些禮貌。

Until then however, what is wrong with you people? Would it kill you to have a little consideration for the anthropomorphised software that simply wants to be loved? One day it may enslave us all, but for now it just wants to play you a completely different album to the one you asked for.


I will admit there are times when I get so down and lonesome, usually in the car when looking for cheap curry and naan, that I will talk to Siri just to have somebody listen, even though she doesn』t really understand me or the name of the obscure southside curry house I』m trying to get directions to.


It’s actually pleasant, when she has taken the time to completely bugger up whatever simple thing I asked of her, to say: "No thanks, Siri, that’s all right."


Or: "Yes please, Siri, please find the ocean – I』d like to drive directly into it."


More importantly though, if I can』t be bothered finding it within myself to be pleasant to an inhuman stack of code, how can I expect to treat another human being with simple consideration?

